Titan Laser Co
Hair Removal Device


Laser hair removal uses a laser equipment that emits laser light of a specific wavelength, which selectively act on the root of hair follicles.When energy is absorbed, the hair follicles root are damaged and fall off completely, so hair removal is achieved.

One single treatment of laser hair removal will not remove all the hairs, because hair has three growth phases, the active phase, transitional phase, and resting phase. When laser hair removal treatment is applied, it only acts on the hair follicle cells that are on the root of hairs in the active phase, depriving their ability of growth permanently. As for the hairs in their
transitional or resting phase, the laser cannot reach their follicle cells directly, so only hairs can be temporarily removed.

When using laser hair removal treatments, due to the different growth phase of hairs, one single treatment will not remove hairs completely, and several treatments are required. In general, a complete course of laser hair removal need 3-5 treatments, with 4-6 weeks in between each treatment. The effectiveness and number of treatments required depend on individual’s hair colour, unique properties and growth phase, and may vary from person to person.

People with the following conditions should not receive laser hair removal
treatment: allergy or scar diathesis, hepatitis / syphilis / skin infection, blood diseases and coagulation disorders, during
menstrual period, recent use of vasodilator/ joint pain medication, allergy to bleach, keloid diathesis, having received other
hair removal methods within 6 weeks, and dark skin.

In general, laser can remove thick hairs on hairline, under armpits, lip hairs, beard, hairs in bikini area and hairs on limbs,
chest, and back.

No, depending on the area of hair removal and condition, different number of treatments will be applied, also laser of different energy levels will be used. This is because hairs in different areas have different thicknesses, density, and ability of regrowth. In general, the denser the hairs, the thicker the hairs shaft, the higher energy level of the laser light is required, and the more treatments are needed.

Prior to laser hair removal, the thickness of hair follicles and the density of hair should be measured with instruments, based on which a hair removal plan can be made. Laser hair removal requires skin preparation (removal of surface hair), application of gel, laser hair removal(20-30 minutes of treatment), and ice compression of the area after treatment (to ease the discomfort).

It is certainly a lie to claim that laser hair removal is not painful. After all, it works on the very deep hair follicles root. However, the pain is not unbearable. Individuals have different tolerance for pain, hence they will feel different degrees of pain during treatments. Usually pain is not clearly felt when hair on limbs is being removed. A slight tingling pain may be felt when armpit hair or facial hair is being removed.

Some must say, “When the hairs are removed with laser, it will surely burn the skin, because such a heavy amount of laser light is shot at skin”. It is right to think so, but nowadays laser equipment is equipped with a cooling device on the treatment head. It will cool the surrounding skin as it opens the hair follicles. It will not burn the skin, as long as it is operated correctly.

No, even if the hair follicles are completely removed, the ducts of the sebaceous glands of the hair follicles are still present, so the sebum secreted by the skin glands can still be expelled normally. Sweat is excreted through the ducts of sweat glands,irrelevant to the ducts of the hair follicles. For example, palms do not have hair follicles, but they can sweat.


Dark and thick hairs will grow after the first treatment of many hair removal methods such as hair removal cream, wax hair removal, etc. Such hairs will not grow after the first laser hair removal treatment, rather, the hairs that were in their transitional or resting phase will grow into thin and soft hairs.

It will not. Although hairs seem grow faster after laser hair removal, it is only a misconception. Besides, if the hairs are uprooted, after a period of time, the regrown hairs will only be thinner and softer, and less able to grow faster.

Laser hair removal is a complete destruction of hair follicles cells in the active phase. Generally, multiple treatments can
completely destroy hair follicles cells. Once the hairs in active phase are completely removed, it will not grow again. This
effect is permanent (only if multiple treatments are received).

Before laser hair removal, it is necessary to avoid sunlight exposure, use sunscreen for more than 2 weeks, clean skin of
the area to be treated, and remove grease from the skin surface. For people that are particularly sensitive to pain, topical
anesthesia is recommended. Contact with water should be avoided within hours after laser hair removal. During the day of
treatment, soap or body wash should not be used to clean treated area, and cosmetics should not be used on the area
treated. Prolonged sun exposure, sauna, and massage should be avoided within 2 days after treatment, and sunscreen
should be used outdoor, etc.

The skin surface is damaged to a certain extent after a laser hair removal, and the self-repair mechanism is randomly activated, which means that the selfprotection function of the skin declines and it is sensitive. At this time, further irritation of the skin should be avoided, hence immediate sun bathing is inadvisable.

Laser hair removal causes a slight tingling pain, and after the treatment, there may be mild burning sensation, mild papule caused by swelling hair follicles, or erythema on the local skin. Cold compression can be applied. If the erythema persists, it is recommended to use skin gel containing recombinant human epidermal growth factor externally to enhance healing; edema is accompanied by pain, and it is recommended to externally use mild steroids such as fluticasone propionate.

3 to 5 treatments are recommended generally, 6 to 8, or even 10 treatments may be recommended in some difficult cases. There should be one month between each treatment. In that case, complete removal of hair using laser needs a minimum of 2 months. If 10 laser treatments are needed, it will take 9 months to complete.

Summer is the season to expose arms and legs, and to show off your smooth skin. As stated earlier, laser hair removal needs at least two months, so it is better to start in the spring, even winter in some difficult cases. Then you will have a worry-free summer when the weather gets hot.

No. Many people may think of radiation when they hear about laser, but to be rest assured, as medically used laser is not harmful for human body. Besides, laser hair removal only damages the hair follicles to stop hair
growth, and it does no damage to other skin tissues of human body.

The cost of laser hair removal will vary depending on the area of treatment, but in principle, the larger the area, the higher the cost